VirtualBoss for the Pocket PC версия 4.0 (build 115)
Описание: Программа
для облегчения тяжкого труда начальников разного ранга. Позволяет вести
учет задач, работ которыми наргужены ваши подчиненные работники и т.д
Имеется настольная и портативная версия софта
Pocket VirtualBoss
is the Pocket PC companion to PC VirtualBoss. It can be used as a
standalone program on your pocket pc, or you can synchronize with PC
VirtualBoss (Tasks, Jobs, Contacts & more ). Now you can have all
your job site info and schedules on your PC and your PDA. With Pocket
VirtualBoss, you can view, edit, add, and filter items (tasks,
contacts, and jobs) when you are away form the office. Pocket
VirtualBoss displays all information you entered on your PC (& vise
versa). Pocket VirtualBoss allows you to do anything that PC
VirtualBoss can do. When you return to your office, you can synchronize
all the changes you made on both PC VirtualBoss and Pocket VirtualBoss.
The power of the new Pocket PC combined with VirtualBoss simplicity
makes this an excellent way to be even more organized